What does it mean to be a mother? Becoming a mother is a process of finding your own strengths, says this deeply personal account.
God cannot be with all of us and he sent his representative in the form of ‘Mother’ – caring, loving, inspirational, still as water, strong as rock, and everything to her kids. I always say that I understand my mother more only after being a mother.
What does it take to be a Mother? I had no answers until I underwent the process of carrying a life within me and bringing that life into this world.
It was on the 08th of March, 2014, that our little angel was supposed to make an entry into this world. But he didn’t turn up, thinking that it wasn’t an appropriate day. He was so eager to see this outer world so on 17th February 2014. I knew that
he has decided to step into this world. What I feared the most during pregnancy was the painful labour, and now, it was actually happening to me!
Those contractions, irregular, but sharp and painful, were preparing me mentally for the most painful and tumultuous event in my life. With the detectors on my belly which monitored her heartbeats, I was thinking about that day when I saw
that faint pinkish line turning red, declaring my pregnancy – which left me surprised, excited, elated and confused. Has this really happened to me? Am I really pregnant? Am I ready for the baby? Will I really fare well? How will I deal with the
labour pains?
Coming back to reality, the contractions were getting regular and frequent.During my pregnancy, I never dared to watch any video of child-birth, and now I was actually undergoing one.
I suddenly became concerned about me, my pain, and didn’t think about our baby…
I met him after 9 long months on 17th February, 2014 and also met myself – stronger, tolerant and patient! Though the anguish and horror is soon forgotten when the baby is in your arms, labour pain is supposed to be the most painful event of
a human life. I realised that I was lucky to have my mother an and father beside me, although I also wanted Sudeep ( my Husband) to be beside me, but as our son was so eager to come in this world so Sudeep did not able to turn up at same
time, but I senced the tension over phone :) I love him, and love him a lot. Though I would like to thanx to my relatives who made hospital as home... :P
It takes a lot of courage, patience, consistency, and determination to be a mother. Born once as a daughter and now born again as a Mother to our son – this time I survived the painful, witnessed the beauty of being a mother, and realized that I
could dare to do all this only because I am a woman. I’m proud to be a woman.
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